Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Alcohol and Neglect

Many people try to argue all of the good sides to alcohol and even reasons why the drinking age should be lowered. There are many dangers to alcohol though, and they can affect many people negatively. Alcohol has become a huge factor to kids being neglected and taken away from their families. More and more kids are being taken from their families, put into foster care, and just overall living in absolute fear. These children are at greater risk for having emotional problems than children whose parents are not alcoholics. Alcoholism also runs in families, and children of alcoholics are  more likely than other children to become alcoholics themselves. Children should grow up in homes where they have strong role models to look up to. Kids from families that abuse alcohol see that behavior and may grow up to do that same thing and possibly even neglect their future family. Alcohol can create a cycle of bad habits and neglect and it is for sure something to look out for. 


  1. I believe not everything about alcohol is bad but when people can regulate it that's when it becomes a huge problem. And for these kids being neglected from there loved ones that have a drinking problem is just sad.These companies in there commercials show how drinking is fun and all the good times but it doesn't show reality. I think that is wrong.

  2. Knowing your alcohol limit is very important when consuming alcohol. Alcohol is a drug and can become addictive, it also can kill you. People just have to be careful if they are going to drink alcohol.
