Thursday, December 5, 2019

Climate Change Rhetoric

It's pretty messed up how much rhetoric influences the big issues of today, especially because it often seems that those employing the most harmful rhetoric are those with the most power. When it comes to climate change, some of the most prevalent rhetors on the subject in recent days have been members of the younger generation, yet actual change is slow to be enacted because they don't hold enough political influence.

We give so much importance to the value of money that those with more capital can influence politics and the discussion of issues, which leads to a cycle of those creating the issues paying off those in positions of power who are capable of shutting it down. We don't give any credit to young adults who have less experience than corrupt politicians, so their voices, despite touting good ethics, usually go unheard. Even after Greta Thunberg was granted a national audience to speak, not much changed regarding our nation's policy towards climate change.

It seems the only hope we have of mitigating climate change are non-governmental organizations because our government is currently failing us in that regard.


  1. I could not agree more with what you are trying to say, there is a huge problem in our country involving how our political system is being ran and controlled. There is a serious problem at had being caused by humans and companies owned by these people who have zero regard for our environment. All the palotitions these days care about is how much money can be shoved into their pockets, with little to no care to what will end up happening to the earth in the next 50-100 years.

  2. I agree with you that politicians make it difficult to make changes regarding climate change. I do think its a harder thing to do than what most people see. For example if you make restrictions on things like mining which are bad on the environment then many people are left without a job. On the other hand you want to make the environment better. I think they should put environment in from of these jobs as it might be cruel and bad rn to put people out of jobs in the long run it will be beneficial to everyone. to help these people left without jobs they could be employed within possible new companies or programs with things like renewable energy.
