Thursday, December 5, 2019

firearm topic

 Recently in the American social world a big topic going around is if we as Americans deserve the right to own and carry a firearm. This topic has been brought up many times in political debates and other government conversations but recently it has been a main topic due to all of the mass shooting taking place in our country because some people think that the people are not the ones committing the acts of crime but it is the gun. The democratic party is fighting for gun buy backs which will essentially restrict American from owning the guns they choose to own, and it is going against our constitution. The reason this is so controversial is because the second amendment states that the American people have the right to bear arms and citizens get angry when the government interferes with their rights. Many people don’t understand the reason behind owning a gun and why it is so important and as a whole we should learn more about guns and the positive benefit they can have on society.


  1. I believe some people should be allowed to buy guns but there should also be at least some restrictions on what type of guns you can buy and who exactly should be allowed to buy these guns, for example it should be completely legal for someone to go and buy a gun for home protection or hunting or even just going to the firing rage and shooting a gun but there should not be any reason for someone to need a gun that can shoot through a 6 foot wall made of concrete.

  2. I 100% believe in a persons right to own a gun but i do think things should be done about them. I think there should be more enforcement on the laws we have right now as they are good laws just there are ways to get around that like buying guns illegally. I think there should also be a better background check and mental health testing on people. This isnt taking away peoples rights just not letting unfit people from owning a gun.
