Sunday, December 8, 2019

Why Guns should be legal in all nations

I understand this is an unpopular opinion amongst many people today but I would like to present my case for why more nations should have a second amendment like here in America. Across the Western World freedoms are being quashed left and right In Germany Prime Minister Angela Merkel says that "Freedom of expression has its limits" she then continued "Those limits begin where hatred is spread. They begin where the dignity of other people is been violated. The house will and must oppose extreme speech. Otherwise our society will no longer be the free society that it once was". Our neighbors to the north have already enacted hate speech laws like Section 319(2) of the criminal code of Canada states: Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, willfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

In Britain the police are openly telling people that offensive speech should be reported to the police so they can open criminal investigation into these people. This has resulted in 2 people given fines for what the British legal system calls "grossly offensive" speech. In one case it was a 19 year old girl who was repeating rap lyrics that included the n-word and a Scottish man who was making fun of Nazi's by making his pug make the heil Hitler salute. In more recent cases some people have actually been arrested and imprisoned for making racist comments and cracking tasteless jokes. The nation that gave us the Magna Carta, The English Bill of Rights, Edmund Burke, and John Locke has turned into a 1984 style state where the police monitor your social media and will arrest you for your hateful speech. These are the reasons why other nations need a second amendment, to protect their individual rights of freedom of speech and rights to privacy and property. Think about it in America no one has entertained the ideas of federal hate speech laws because in America the people have the right to protect their rights with a gun behind their words and in other nations they don't have anything to back up their words. That's why in France they had riots and not just simple protest over there new gas taxes because the French people did not have weapons to back up their words. With a second amendment in other nations people will be able to protect their rights from tyranny and oppression and I believe if these other nations have any stones then they should push for that right.     


  1. I got to ask what is the connection between guns and hate speech? Are you suggesting that they should use weapons to fight against the governments also trying to protect minority individuals? That seems hardly logical or ethical. You have strong information, but it is information the is stretched and misinterpreted for the sake of proving and unrealistic point.

  2. I believe that the possesion of weapons by civilians will not lead to the protection of rights. I believe it will only increase the chances of mass murder attacks in public spaces, or more suicides.

  3. I think that the argument of gun legalization and hate speech is two different arguments. I think the topic gun legalization for everyone could cause a lot of Problems for our society and concerns. Hate speech has its issues but gun legalization is a lot more complex.
